As usual I continue to day dream about all the things I want to do with our garden. I will post some pics soon. Things are coming together slowly but surely. I have nearly finished painting the back fence (it has only taken me nearly three months!) and I ordered a very cute 'mini' picnic table for the little man which should arrive later this week. I will post more details about this purchase when it arrives safely. In the meantime, let's all take a big deep breath and look to our friends at pinterest for some much needed garden inspiration. If you are feeling a little emotional today, I suggest you read this post later. These pictures are beautiful (of course) and may well make you cry :)
Click on the pics for pinterest links....
P.S. I have spray painted my little wicker chair red and it looks fab! Now I just to get my friend to cover the cushion and I will be ready to post some pics. As usual, so many half completed projects to keep the creative juices flowing, but no time to actually complete them!
I can't wait to see your wicker chair Kate, so exciting! I sprayed my bentwoods a glossy red and I love love love them so much. What fabric did you settle on? My bestie took me to the fabric store for my birthday and said "Take your pick!" Who knew how hard it was to choose cushion fabric! I settled on some gorgeous florals - will be interested to see what you go with xo