Monday, July 30, 2012


For a long time now, I have had an obsession with Bally posters. I love them - the colours, the quirky pictures, the lot. I must confess however, the expense of purchasing an original has always held me back. It would be an investment I hear you say! Believe me, I have tried convincing others of the same.
I often find myself over at Galerie Montmatre imagining, but I am yet to make the purchase.
I came close once. I went to Fitzroy and stood outside the Galerie Montmatre shopfront, but was too scared (insecure) to go in. I know. How pathetic is that? Have you ever felt that way before?
You have dreamed of purchasing something for so long, but when it came to the crunch, you chickened out. Never mind. One day I will definitely have one of my own....

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 Click on the prints above for links, or visit my pinterest page.

1 comment:

  1. I love these too Kate! It would definitely be a fun investment! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and glad to have found your lovely one :)

    Abbey x
