Thursday, August 1, 2013

Inspiration everywhere .......

 The world of blogging is such a tremendous place for inspiration and this week, my imagination (as usual) has been in overdrive. The Design Files featured Tim Leveson and Libby Knott's home earlier this week. The simplicity of this home, the art, attention to detail and obvious sense of family and informality, has had me crazy with ideas for our shanty. I love houses just like this that have not been 'converted' into contemporary monstrosities, but exude so much character and warmth. Have a look at the divine photos below - divine I tell you!

Click on the photos for links to The Design Files

Similarly, Design Sponge has also been tormenting me with ideas for our little garden. This week they featured 'A London Home filled with Travel finds'. Quite literally this home and gorgeous garden brought a tear to my eye :) - look at all the colour! Flowers in pots on mass really pack a punch don't they?


Click on the photos for links to Design Sponge ...

Disappointingly, I discovered on the weekend that the area I was planning to turn into a veggie patch, is in fact a paved area which has just had a shallow layer of soil dumped on it - seriously what is the go with that? Anyway, I am now definitely turning my attention to growing things in pots, particularly vegetables. It is funny that after a couple of months now of living in our shanty, we are still discovering sneaky little things like this, that we would have never noticed on inspection ;)

What has inspired you this week?  ....



  1. I have a million dahlia seedlings that have popped up in my garden in the last few weeks after I let them self seed a few weeks ago. If you want some let me know and if boy child and I come up to the big smoke we'll drop some off to you. They are quite stunning! Hope you're well. carax

    1. Lovely friend,
      I would love some Dahlia seedlings.... I bet your beautiful garden is looking amazing at the moment! I can't believe it is nearly spring. We are well. Hope you are all too. x
