Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Feeling inspired...

I have finally had a brief moment to indulge in some pinterest today and boy, did I enjoy!
I haven't accessed pinterest in a couple of weeks and fear I may have been experiencing a bit of withdrawal. So many gorgeous pics and so much inspiration, my imagination has been given a kick start. Now, if only money grew on trees :)

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I am currently obsessed with industrial pendant lights and have been obsessively searching for some online .... I am determined to find the perfect one for our new kitchen. How cute are these?

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I love me a world map... I love this eating area, the table and chairs - less the white floorboards. As much as I love them, they would certainly send my obsessive compulsive tendencies crazy - imagine the food remnants on the floor.

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The new shanty has picture rails.... lots of photos to frame, photos to develop and put up on walls.
 I can hardly wait!
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Loving this hallway/entry way ... the lights.... that rug....
The warmth and imperfection of this room is the perfect inspiration for a family home, don't you think?

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And last but not least, once again I have been searching for new hair-do inspiration. My regrowth is atrocious (again!) and my hair is so long and thick it is dread-locking (again!). You think I am joking but I can assure you that I am not. Nadine if you are reading this, sharpen those scissors and make up the bleach.... I am coming your way next week and cannot wait :)

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Wait, just one more picture to torment you. Smeg, I salute you. I will probably never have a fridge like this or a cook top so pristine... but thankyou for the inspiration.
Have a good day lovely readers x

(as usual, click on the images for pinterest links) ....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate, I couldn't agree with you more, those pendant lights are GORGEOUS!! Thank you for the inspiration. How exciting for you to be moving to a new home to decorate. Enjoy your time at the Salon, nothing better than a new 'do".
