Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gifting (for me) ...

Is it wrong that I put so much thought into what gifts I would like to receive for Christmas?
Don't get me wrong, I get way more enjoyment buying the perfect gift for loved ones and seeing their reaction when I have chosen the perfect gift, but I must confess, only to you dear readers, I do love hinting and helping my husband in the direction of the perfect gift - for me!
Here I some of the gifts I will be hinting for this festive season :)
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Kate Badge certainly knows how to put together the perfect necklace. Her beautiful pieces of jewellery featured in Fete magazine this week...divine! 
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Of course when in doubt, the perfect bottle of Jo Malone never goes astray. Did I tell you that I  accidentally dropped a bottle of this a couple of months ago? It was 3/4 full - I cried. This was NOT a good day...
Things I LoveWhole Larder Love: Grow Gather Hunt Cook
Needless to say, I also have quite an extensive list of books that I would love too. Here are a few just to get me started...(I copied both these covers from fishpond...)
Which reminds me, remember how I mentioned that I was going to do a book review every month? Apparently I lied. I have just learnt to accept that when I lie down I fall asleep, which as you can imagine makes reading ever so difficult. I should probably stress that I don't have to necessarily lie down on a bed, I might lie on the floor, on a patch of grass, you name it - I can sleep anywhere!
Next year I will learn not to make any false promises on this blog. Remember my wicker chair? Still waiting to finish that project too. Oh yeah, haven't finished painting the bedroom yet either - maybe by Christmas? :)
So don't leave me hanging here friends, what is on your gift/hint list this year? What are some of the great present ideas you have come up with for your loved ones?


  1. Kate! If you like Kate Badge you're going to LOVE Elva Fields. Have you come across her before? I've been coveting one of her beauties for years. The Gorgeous Tina from Lady Chatterley's Affair has a few of her masterpieces and I'm majorly jeal jeal.

    Check her out here . . .

    Happy weekend x

    1. Miss Kate
      I love Elva Fields but had no idea she shipped to Australia? I bet Tina from LCA looks great in one of those necklaces too. Have been meaning to email you and say that I have started watching Hart of Dixie and am addicted!!!! Hope you are well. You look so lovely in your recent pics - tis that season to be jolly! :)
