I am lost for words this week lovely readers - hopefully you are still out there? I seem to be in automatic pilot at the moment just moving through the motions, working my night shifts, family and life in general - you know how it is? We are going away next week for the first time since the little man was born and both my husband and I are seriously excited. The thought of going for walks on the beach, eating at the odd cafe, drinking wine and playing boardgames in the evening sounds so appealing. In fact who am I kidding, I don't want to play board games, I just want to sleep! :)
Anyway, as usual I digress. Let's talk pinterest and take a look at the pics I LOVE this week.
How happy is this little guy? I adore this photo ..... My little man is growing some seriously cute bushy eyebrows like this little fella too :)
I love this lamp. I want it, need it and have no idea where to get it :(
I love this living space for so many reasons but mainly the fact that it is neat, tidy and toy free!
I cannot see one truck or mega blok hiding underneath that couch ;)
I love these shoes from JCrew ...
Seriously loving this couch - love the use of vintage fabric and colour. Give me lots of colour people!
Lucky we don't have a bed like this - after a night shift, I doubt I would ever get up!
I wouldn't get out of this bed either :)
I am not too sure whether Olivia and I have much in common, but I love her sense of style. In fact, my legs look just like Olivia's in a hairy, stumpy kind of way :) ....
And lastly, I could so eat this torte with a strong coffee right now!
Hope you enjoyed imagining - pinterest, I salute you. Have you got any good pinterest shots you want to share with me?
Kate x