If the theory, 'the state of your bed is the state of your head' as written in this article is accurate, well I am in need of some serious therapy. My husband's side of the bedroom is always orderly, mine on the otherhand is often covered with books and magazines I am yet to read, shoes, clothes that are yet to be neatly placed in the wardrobe and so much more. Don't worry. I can assure you that you would never find any rotten food or the like! Either way, this post has got me thinking.
As of today, I Kate hereby promise to start making our bed every day. I will also start keeping my side of the bedroom spotless - actually, lets just aim for more organised. Spotless is a big ask afterall ;)
I wonder if like the article says, that by simply making my bed I will become miraculously more organised? Thankyou Apartment Therapy. You may have just provided me with the kick up the backside that I need! In the meantime, here are some lovely bedroom pics from pinterest for inspiration .....
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