Friday, March 16, 2012

Fairy lights.....

I was destined to be a true lover of fairy lights.
If you could see my parents home at Christmas time you would understand why. I am not talking about "Griswald family style" ugly tacky fairy lights, I am talking about the white twinkly fairy lights that make you smile. Others may disagree but I believe, as does my passionate fairy light loving mother, that fairy lights should be out all year around. Why should a room just be pretty and twinkly at Christmas time?
Even as I write this post my fairy lights are on, twinkling above my kitchen sink, beckoning me to do the dishes - urgh. Admittedly this does not make me smile but that's beside the point people! :)

Christmas tree 2011 - photos by me 

So mock me if you will, but put up some white fairy lights for your next dinner party or even better, in a tree in your garden and see what happens. Even the most dreary of character will be guaranteed to smile approvingly. If they don't, they should leave your house immediately- I am not joking, out the door! Chances are they don't approve of gorgeous tea light candles or second helpings of dessert either ;)

And so ends my first week of blogging :)
Have a great weekend.

Kate x


  1. I love fairy lights too! I was actually lying on the trampoline the other day thinking how lovely it would be at night with some fairy lights around the net!

    Rosa :-)

    1. Hey Rosa,
      Great idea! The kids would love it. Hope you are well x

  2. I have two sets of fairy lights (proper white twinkly ones!) near the back door waiting for a spare moment so that I can put them up in our conservatory and the little gazebo in the garden. I have been nagging my husband ever since the Chirstmas lights went down but think that the only way is to do it myself! I think you idea of having fairy lights in the kitchen is fantatsic as it would most definetly make washing up more enjoyable.
    Clare x
