Sunday, October 12, 2014

Taking stock.. (week 1)

Meet me at Mikes is one of my favourite blogs. Pip Lincolne is seriously clever and crafty, and comes up with some great ideas for her blog. She started the idea of 'TakingStock' and I thought I would give it a go - giving you an idea of what we have been up to since my last post, in a more interesting format. 
Here we go ...
Taking: Many a photo with my instagram account. Are you following me yet?
Cooking : The Healthy Chef's Blueberry muffins. I also made the The Healthy chef's Banana Bread (gluten free). No photos of either - eaten far too quickly.

Drinking : Coffee..

Reading: (read) Alexandra Cameron's 'The Gift' - It was great! Otherwise have been immersing myself in this months Inside Out, Home Beautiful and Real Living magazine's.

Wanting: So many things from Gorman's spring collection - the colours and fabrics are amazing. This is a purchase I will definitely be making. This Bohemian Traders skirt and dress are a must purchase too.

Looking: Blonde again thanks to my buddy Nadine from Cheveux Design and espresso, here in Brisbane. An afternoon with Nadsy is truly therapeutic and you come away looking pretty sharp too - love your work Nadsy ;)

Playing: Puzzles... lots of freakin puzzles, over and over and over again. We have now mastered 24 piece puzzles at the ripe and old age of 3.5!

Deciding: Our plans for early intervention for Dominic next year. 

Wishing: For a holiday on a beach... preferably Fiji. Imagine the cocktails and the serenity...

Enjoying: Time to myself.. when I actually have it, I savor it.

Waiting: For a certain someone to have their afternoon sleep.

Wondering: When I plant my veggie patch, will the possums or bush turkeys get to it first? :)       
Loving: My new Saltwaters and Basket from Larkstore.

Considering: My breakfast options this week.. thinking this idea could be a cracker! The Green Kitchen Stories still remains one of my favourite blogs and cookbook.

Watching: Wonderland.... I am a bit hooked. Don't think less of me. I am also loving Jimmy Fallon on iview.

Making : Decisions, lots of decisions and lots of healthy snacks.

Hoping: To shave my legs in the not too distant future.

Marvelling: At all the beautiful gardens we pass on our daily walk.

Needing: More hours in the day - preferably for sleep and reading.

Smelling: Jasmine when we go for our daily walks.

Wearing: skirts... lots of skirts and dresses this spring/summer.

Following: Styling You... I love Nikki's blog. She has great ideas on creating your own sense of style.. something I feel I have lost lately.

Noticing: Flowering Jacaranda trees. I found one lone purple flower on our back deck early last week, looked up and their she is - our Jacaranda Tree flowering in all her glory!

Knowing: A little bit more about Mental Illness after watching 'Changing Minds' on the ABC this week. Did you watch it? Yes, we did watch Jack's story too and were equally amazed :) Such is the power of early intervention for children with Autism.

Thinking: Probably too much... as usual :)

Feeling: Positive and eager all mixed together.

Sorting: Out my piles of paperwork. I am so disorganised it is a disgrace!

Buying: Or should I say paying, for a root canal - I am getting so old, even my teeth are dying :)

Getting: Excited about Christmas and having a little bit of time off - bliss.

Disliking: Blogs that are preaching about dietary changes and becoming sugar free. I am a big believer in healthy eating but 'hello'! I love Pete Evans cookbook but he plummeted in my estimations earlier this month when he commented that following a Paleo Diet would reduce the occurrence of ASD. What the? No doubt that a healthy, additive and preservative free diet for children is ideal. Read this article for the story.

Opening: Bills.... blah.

Giggling: At the funny little things my little mate says...

Snacking: Nuts and home made yoghurt.

Wishing: I could find my sunglasses.

Helping: Clean up the garden.

Hearing: Little Butcher Birds chirping from a nest outside. 
Covetting: One of these (below). You will be mine Lovestar vase. The perfect birthday present.. hint.. hint.. :)

the perfect addition to any gallery wall: a heart vase!

Image from Pinterest click on photo for link.