Friday, November 29, 2013

Ode to my Chesterfield

I don't care if I would stick to it in the awful Queensland humidity. A couch like my friend the Chesterfield, is calling out to be sprawled on. Imagine lying back with a coffee and your favourite magazines. I would have the new Kinfolk, Fete and Country Style magazines close by. 
My favourite CD would be playing quietly in the background and the faint smell of home baking would be wafting from the kitchen. Of course my Chesterfield would be strategically placed under one of our double hung windows, with the shutters slightly open, allowing for just the right amount of sunlight and cool breeze. Imagine ....
Mapping it

Fabulous grouping.

chesterfield sofa + cowhide rug

chesterfield # interior # loft

anthropologie Atelier Chesterfield Sofa, Yellow

Click on the photos for links to Pinterest.

Hope you all have a fun weekend! I am off to our work Christmas 'do' tomorrow. I am really looking forward to it. Nothing like a catch up with your favourite work friends .... x

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Give me bread - healthy bread.

Lovely readers,
Like me, do you dream about bread? ;) Come on admit it, you do. I cannot be the only person who dreams of warm comforting bread. That and a trip to Mauritius in one of those bungalow's that stretch out over crystal blue water, only accessed by a bridge. See, I knew you did :)
I have deliberately not eaten bread in ages. Put simply, bread and I are not friends. I can't control myself around it, especially after a night shift when I want to throw down a whole loaf with loads of butter and vegemite. Let's be clear, I am talking about Bakers Delight bread, not healthy bread.
The kind of bread that makes my bum get big - eaten in the quantities I want to devour it anyway.
Among all the random thoughts I have in a 24 hour period (and there are many), I have been contemplating introducing bread back into my diet that is healthier, gluten free and homemade - free of sugars, preservatives and other nasties.
And easy. It has to be simple. I don't ask for much and surely this is a better option than depriving myself of such goodness?

A lovely friend recently posted photos of the most delicious almond meal and chia seed bread that she made on facebook. I demanded that I must have the recipe immediately and presto, today I have made the most delicious, spongy loaf of healthy, gluten free, grain free bread.
The recipe is from Tania Hubbard's Gluten free, grain free blog and is quite the find. Her recipes look delicious and her cookbook would be the perfect Christmas gift.
With lashings of avocado heaped on my bread with just a touch of pepper, I was temporarily in heaven until I remembered there was a toddler whinging at me in the background, demanding yet another bowl of  yoghurt  :)
Find the recipe here and please, do yourself a favour and make it.



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Bircher Breakfast ...

I have re-written this post a couple of times. All versions have sounded 'oh woe is me' which lets face it, is boring.
All I will say is that this week we have all been sick, and without sounding too harsh, the men in my household do not cope well with sickness. 
Nurses are generally far more patient with the people they care for at work than the one's at home - or so it would seem, or so I have been told ;) - either way, enough said.
Moving right along ....
Living in Queensland you are right, is pretty sensational. Spring is just gorgeous, but with that comes early sunrises and noisy birds. Are you getting where I am going with this?
At the moment, lets just say that I am very 'anti-kookaburra'.
In fact, I hate them :)
You see, if the sun is rising and the birds are singing, or as it may be laughing (at my expense I am quite sure), then it must be time for two year olds to get up! At 04.30 ....
I am a Child Health Nurse. I work at a centre which assists parents in getting their children to sleep!(ha!!)
I have tried every trick in the book to support/encourage/gently force my little friend to sleep longer but this it would seem, is where we are at - 04.30 starts.
So I am trying very, very hard to 'suck it up'...
With all this drama and my determination to continue to eat healthily, particularly since I am working night shifts and now seemingly getting up at 04.30, I have made a conscientious effort to consistently prepare myself a scrumptious, no fuss, healthy breakfast.
A lovely friend of mine Piera, put me onto this book by Saimaa Miller. It is here that I found my new favourite breakfast.
This is just one of the great healthy recipes in this book. Check out Saimaa's website for further inspiration. Either way, Easy Bircher Muesli is yummy!
Easy Bircher Muesli
(Aussie Body- Diet and Detox Plan, by Saimaa Miller page 78).
Serves 2 (Although I have been known to eat a whole bowl and go through until lunch).
45g oats
2 tablespoons of oat bran
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
70g mixed berries example goji, acai or blueberries ( I have just used frozen blueberries which are delicious)
1 small banana (75g)
1 tablespoon (20g)shredded coconut
1 tablespoon (20g) raisins or sultanas
500mls rice or dairy free milk (I have recently started using a lactose free milk called Zymil).
Mix it all together in a bowl and let is soak overnight.
A nutritious breakfast like this, even at the earliest start to the day, is guaranteed to put spring in your step. Things never seem so bad when you go to a little extra effort to do something nice for yourself - don't you agree?
I hope you are having a good week friends.
Apologies for the late post.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Unexpected surprises.....

Today has been one of those days. I finished my night shift this morning at 7 am and I am yet to have a sleep. It is a long boring story - we have had tree loppers here all afternoon which although exciting, has prevented Dominic and I sleeping. The end result is impressive though, and will make such a difference with the landscaping we have planned. Either way, I think it is fair to say both Dom and I are only just hanging in there. 
Despite the chaos of today, I unexpectedly received the most beautiful gift from my gorgeous, incredibly thoughtful cousin Jessica. Yes, that is the Orla Kiely storage jar I had been eyeing off from Lark, and I also received a beautiful cutlery set that is so lovely, it is worthy of a post of its own.
So, stay tuned.  
Thanks for thinking of me Jess. You rock!
Happy Friday friends!
My your weekend be a good one.
As for us, I think it is time for bed.